A comprehensive range of high quality e-journals, e-books and databases in Political Science and International Relations is now available to faculty and students at the University of Yangon.
Access is currently available not only in the Library, but also campus-wide access can be available.
For help, please visit the library or send email to univ.yangonlibrary@gmail.com
There are no specific databases for political science. Resources are available on the Ebsco, JSTOR, Taylor and Francis, Sage Research methods, Oxford and Cambridge sites listed elsewhere in this Guide
There are statistical databases that can be of use, as well as research papers in political science and links to web sites and newspapers.
World News
BBC News: the BBC is one of the most respected news organizations on the Web. Great source for world news.
The New York Times: the Grey Lady still has it: the New York Times continues to be one of the best sources for world news on the web.
Reddit: Reddit is one of the top sources on the web to find crowd-sourced news items, and this includes breaking news stories that are updated by community members with insight and further resources in real time. If you're looking for truly up to the second news with an "everyman" sort of commentary, augmented by outside sources, Reddit is a good bet.
Google World News: More than 4,500 news sources updated constantly at the time of this writing. You can also create a Google news alert to keep track of your favorite world news topics.
WikiNews: Pick your geographical region and/or language, and you'll see a community-curated repository of news articles collated by people all over the world - exactly replicating the Wikipedia collation process.
Alternet: On the Web in different iterations since 1997, Alternet provides an independent viewpoint of breaking news, mostly centered around U.S. events.
Reuters: One of the main U.S. breaking news wires, focusing on both U.S. and international events. Many stories from Reuters are syndicated on other sites.
PBS: Public broadcasting news for the last several decades; news here tends to be extremely well-balanced and non-partisan, and also includes good background information for further reading.
Google News Archive An extensive collection of original scans of old newspapers from many countries.