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Law - University of Yangon

A guide to the e-resources available from MALC / EIFL for partner libraries in Myanmar

Legal Journals

Journal articles are often a useful starting point in research when they address the topic of interest. Online access to hundreds of legal journals from around the world is available from the databases listed below.

On the e-resources listed here, you can search for the Title of a journal, and then locate an article in an issue. 

If you don't know the Journal title, only the title of the individual article, a search can be done using Google Scholar ( Google Scholar may provide full text versions, or links to locations which hold a full text copy. Not all articles are found via Google Scholar, and while full text of all articles is not available, Google Scholar does provide valuable citation information.

  • HeinOnline  
    The Law Journal Library includes over 500 U.S., U.K., Australian and International Law Journals. For most journals the date coverage starts very early (in many cases at the first issue). However the most recent editions (within the last calendar year) are sometime unavailable due to licensing restrictions. HeinOnline makes these journals available on a rolling yearly basis.

    Searching can be done by Journal Tiltle, or by Article title. All content consists of scanned images of the original printed editions. This allows you to view the content as it originally appeared in print complete with page numbers and pictures. 

    To save or print articles from HeinOnline choose PRINT OPTIONS followed by DOWNLOAD AS PDF. You will then be able to print out and/or save articles using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

  • Cambridge University Press  
    CUP publishes a growing list of over 30 leading legal journals. They have an established and ever expanding academic law list in public and private law subjects crossing books and journals aimed at a global readership. Particular strengths lie in international law, human rights and transitional justice, transnational and comparative law, jurisprudence, and legal history.

  • JSTOR  
    JSTOR provides 130 law journals in full text, although the most recent issues are not online. It also provides book chapters. Search using the Advanced option, and filter by discipline.
  • Archival journals are offered starting from the first volume and issue, up to a date usually set within the past three to five years ('moving wall' - view information for individual journals. JSTOR is one of the world’s most trusted sources for academic content - content is full-text searchable, offers search term highlighting, includes high-quality images, and is interlinked by millions of citations and references
  • Oxford University Press  
    OUP has 50 leading law journals available online covering many topics of law. They are prestigious, highly cited, and authoritative journals that are published in collaboration with many of the world’s most influential scholarly and professional societies.

  • Taylor & Francis   
    T&F provides access to nearly 50 journals on the topic of Criminology and the Law

  • Open Access Law Journals (OPEN ACCESS)
    The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) contains full text journals and articles from many countries.

  • Open Access Law Adopting Journals  (OPEN ACCESS)
    A list of legal journals. These journals have adopted the Open Access Law Journal Principles or have policies consistent with them.

  • Bepress Legal Repository  (OPEN ACCESS)
    A collection of open access law journals from many leading universities.

  • SSRN Legal Scholarship Network (OPEN ACCESS)
    SSRN offers a large collection of working papers, both pre- and post-publication. These papers cover a range of academic subjects. The Legal Scholarship Network specifically collects law related papers – over 265,000! It is free to register. Rankings are included.
Myanmar Academic Libraries
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